Die Evangelisationspredigt! Евангелската проповед! The Gospel Sermon!

The Gospel Sermon!

There is no variant, dear friends, that cannot be used in evangelism preaching. Nothing that needs to go unmentioned when the ultimate result is that people find their way to Jesus.

Jesus telling us that it is easier for a camel to go through a Nadelör than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. So why not also point out that there are people who are demanding an excess profits tax. Even if one could ask oneself who makes so much profit these days.

Why not proclaim the existence of a crusader state when this was a time when the Christian faith was still taken seriously? Why not point out that the entire nobility was Christian? Knowing that in this day and age, many people do not agree with the current situation. Today’s politicians no longer see themselves as representatives of the people.

Closing all of these topics at the end with a reference to Jesus Christ and the fact that no human being is perfect. We therefore all need Jesus.

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